http www deagel com country

Note that this was a single email in a leak from the company of over 5 million emails, and is also the only email obtained by WikiLeaks that references the phrase "deagel" in its entire database. It's no surprise that companies behave like this when the Government ... itself is corrupt. Funny how they know where to go AFTER the event. WHOIS. And we all … What gets me is the complicity of the employees. Man beachte ihre Prognosen für Deutschland für 2025 Prognose 2015 Density: 207 inhabitants / sq. And we all … Cliquez sur les images pour les agrandir. Deagel-Liste Neue Bevölkerungszahlen! This website is non-profit, built on spare time Ich dachte, Deagel ist ein Institut das Voraussagen für Militär und Regierung. World Figures; Population: 62 million: 7,666 million: Surface: 0.30 million sq. We are so glad you decided to visit The Daily Coin. Draw your own conclusions, do your own research. / DEAGEL Forecasts Massive Depopulation by 2025 (3.402) Remote Neural Monitoring for Covert Control of Society (3.000) Karl Dorey – SSP Pilot and Officer on Saturn, Mars, and Los Alamos (2.962) "The Nazis Were Sabbatean-Frankist (Crypto-)Jews" (2.918) Cette organisation de renseignement hautement considérée a de sombres perspectives pour les États-Unis dans les années à venir, notamment une diminution de 81% de sa population, passant de 327 millions d’habitants en 2017 à 100 millions en 2025. 2,991. Please subscribe so that we can stay in touch and I can keep you informed about events and the release of future books, DVDs, etc. I have been looking at the Deagel report for a long time now. “The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Deagel has gone on the record predicting a 78% population decline in the United States by 2025. And we all … It states that the United States will have a drastic reduction in population from today's 324 million to 54 million. Country. Colombia: population gain of 6% PPP gain of 22%. September 25, 2021 Funny how they know where to go AFTER the event. What gets me is the complicity of the employees. EC Alert Updates. À propos de Deagel. First, it was Deagel predicting the death of millions in America, now an MIT computer has jumped on board. No more space. How many here are aware of the Deagel forecasts for 2025? The site appeared to have been taken down circa April 28,2021 without notice and remained off-line for a few weeks. According to the information, I have read, the website has had an Internet presence that dates back to 2003. http www deagel com country. If Deagel is an accurate forecast, then -. The design was further refined by (and was also manufactured by) Israel Military Industries (IMI), until 1995, when MRI shifted the … So I added up the numbers for each country to get the totals for 2014 compared to 2025. Overcrowded. On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. Deagel is a typical disinfo front out to discredit truthers. [1] The Deagel 2012 forecast was absolutely correct. The release of the CIA controlled Deagel documents which demonstrates that both the US and the UK lose most of their military before 2025. Answer Wiki. Deagel(dot)com is a website that claims massive depopulation of the U.S., and many other “western” countries by the year 2025. Thanks. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Deagel has gone on the record predicting a 78% population decline in the United States by 2025. Deagel report: this message resonates with you please donate: Jan 17, 2018. The forecast used to exist at [link to (secure)] and now that page just redirects to the home page.The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to … US Army Orders Additional Stinger Surface-to-Air Missiles Through 2026. Looks like terrorism is back on the distraction agenda. Only three countries within the group of the top 60 GDP will experience significant improvement, while catastrophe is reigning in the countries listed above: Russia: population loss of 2% PPP gain of 32%. Daily reminder that the Deagel forecast for 2025 still exists. GDP down from $19 trillion to a paltry $2.4 trillion. The Deagel website operators have posted a cryptic response to the inquiries about the US 2025 numbers, dated Oct 26, 2014 - click on the link and scroll down to the bottom of the 1st page of the 2025 forecast. Raytheon Co., Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $624,601,212 modification (P00007) to contract W31P4Q-21-D-0007 for the procurement of Stinger missiles and associated equipment. List of Countries 2019 by Population, Real Gross Domestic Product GDP, Military Expenditures and Purchase Power Parity PPP km. Yes, those are the actual Deagel predictions for the United States. The Desert Eagle is a gas-operated, semi-automatic pistol known for chambering the .50 Action Express, the largest centerfire cartridge of any magazine-fed, self-loading pistol.. Magnum Research Inc. (MRI) designed and developed the Desert Eagle. Deagel Report. It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset. L’intérêt de ces prévisions, c’est que le site de Deagel n’a pas de conflit d’intérêts dans ces prévisions. Oct 30, 2014. By closing this banner, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. 2,991. As we had reported on ANP back on December 31st of 2017, Deagel was previously forecasting the US population to drop to 54 million people by 2025, down from … Underlying my forecast is the view that drones, hacking and biowarfare will be dominat factors in any future war. The infamous depopulation projections on (currently suppressed) set out a forecast of the population of every country in the world for the year 2025. It's no surprise that companies behave like this when the Government ... itself is corrupt. All News. To my understanding Deagel is a reputable source for defence related information but what perplexed me was their 2025 country forecast which seemed outlandish. Deagel ist eine Seite, die Statistiken aus Geheimdienstquellen bereit stellt. List of Countries Forecast 2025 by Population, Gross Domestic Product GDP, Military Expenditures and Purchase Power Parity PPP Prognose Österreich 2025. G7 countries in general are a bad idea (1 in 3 will die at best) 3. Laundry and Dry Cleaning; Curtain Cleaning; Blackout Curtains; Carpet and Rug Cleaning; Upholstery Cleaning; Mattress Cleaning; Disinfection Services; At first I thought it was a mistake but Deagel had made a reply and stuck to their forecast. INTELCASTER – For more than a decade has been ‘predicting’ a collapse in population numbers for the U.S. That collapse never happened and when the time came for the numbers to drop Deagel simply pushed the time frame forward by making a new prediction 5 to 10 years in the future. km. 50 Millionen Menschen innerhalb von 5 Jahren in oder aus Deutschland verschwinden können bzw. INTELCASTER – For more than a decade has been ‘predicting’ a collapse in population numbers for the U.S. That collapse never happened and when the time came for the numbers to drop Deagel simply pushed the time frame forward by making a new prediction 5 to 10 years in the future. We will now look more closely at this prophetic passage by reference to the Deagel population projections which we discussed in our last paper, Satan’s Work: The Planned Collapse of Christendom (#279). The Deagel spreadsheet set out a forecast of the population of every country in the world for the year 2025. People are writing and commenting on a global military intelligence website that has been used by many countries as a guide for strategic military statistics and reports. According to the information, I have read, the website has had an Internet presence that dates back to 2003. According to some sources, deagel has partnered with: Remember it's just Deagle's forecasts. TruNews provides a thoughtful overview of and the data therein on its January 28 program. The design was further refined by (and was also manufactured by) Israel Military Industries (IMI), until 1995, when MRI shifted the … It names no sources, only claiming to have obtained its estimates by gleaning information off of the Internet. countries on the planet, and very severe reductions in some countries ( United States 65 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast, Germany 48 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast). This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to achieve the best experience possible on our website. Und hier liegt der Hase im Pfeffer. http www deagel com countrymort de luna plus belle la vie chasse au trésor gratuite 8 ans The United Methodist Children’s Home (UMCH) is a non-profit faith-based organization dedicated to serving vulnerable children and families in crisis across Alabama and Northwest Florida. http www deagel com countrymort de luna plus belle la vie chasse au trésor gratuite 8 ans The United Methodist Children’s Home (UMCH) is a non-profit faith-based organization dedicated to serving vulnerable children and families in crisis across Alabama and Northwest Florida. Draw your own conclusions, do your own research. Draw your own conclusions, do your own research. It is extremely dangerous to stay in UK, USA or Germany – the epicentres of this slaughter – the places where they make the vaccines (4 in 5 will die here) 2. Underlying my forecast is the view that drones, hacking and biowarfare will be dominat factors in any future war. [1] The Deagel 2012 forecast was absolutely correct. By Lisa Haven. The site appeared to have been taken down circa April 28,2021 without notice and remained off-line for a few weeks. Oct 30, 2014. Deagel, une véritable organisation de renseignement pour le gouvernement américain, prévoit une dépopulation mondiale massive de 50 à 80% d’ici 2025. Our population will fall 70%, The GDP will totally collapse 87%, the military will collapse 95%, and the economy collapse 73%. With Obama Ebola ‘Czar’ Ron Klain now officially exposed as calling for ‘depopulation’ as an answer to the world’s biggest problems as shared in the 2nd video below, we have been emailed a tip that should help prove to all doubters that ‘the end is near’ as shared in the 1st video. Who in 2014 would have believed that there would be a global pandemic that would have hit the USA so hard. It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on … But all these sources are from the internet and are of public domain for at least a minority. The infamous depopulation projections on (currently suppressed) set out a forecast of the population of every country in the world for the year 2025. appelle moi casanova t'es la plus belle; oh ma jolie sarah partition pdf ... You can see the most relevant data at every single country's page. However, we are quiet busy Advancing the Kingdom. Now, Deagel has updated those numbers. Extremeness of disappeared forecast didn't so much confirm my forecast, as make me wonder if we were both being misled by some psy-ops, except deagel misled worse. - Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. According to the information, I have read, the website has had an Internet presence that dates back to 2003. Analysis shows that the drastic reduction in population predicted by Deagel falls disproportionately – indeed, overwhelmingly – on countries with a Christian heritage, 22 in all. Population of the USA drops from 327,000,000 to 100,000,000. 10/22/2021 at 7:35 pm. The forecast used to exist at [ link to (secure)] and now that page just redirects to the home page. I'm aware the the figures are put together by certain information given by the CIA, UN & IMF. In just 7 years population expected to plunge from 327 million to 100 million? Note that this was a single email in a leak from the company of over 5 million emails, and is also the only email obtained by WikiLeaks that references the phrase "deagel" in its entire database. Country. In September the site issued an updated forecast based on the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic. These forecasts from Deagel are officially sanctioned and used by most U.S. govt. Gospel News Network View Eagle County Trends and find Local Resources. Gospel News Network In der neuen Deagel-Liste [1] kommt Deutschland weiterhin nicht gut weg: Nur noch 28 Millionen Menschen (-65%), BIP -90% und die Kaufkraft um 71% eingedampft.. Wer das ließt und es für möglich hält – dem stellt sich die Frage wie ca. It's a site owned by one Edwin Deagle, according to Thanks. Draw your own conclusions, do your own research. #1. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. Location. Population forecast for Australia for 2025 is down 35% to 15 million. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. 50 Millionen Menschen innerhalb von 5 Jahren in oder aus Deutschland verschwinden können bzw. Deagel ran guns through the Ambassador Chris Stevens and subsequently delivered them to al-Qaeda in Libya and in Syria at the time of Stevens death. Deagel was intimately involved in Benghazi in ways that will be revealed in a later article. Country. km. US Army Orders Additional Stinger Surface-to-Air Missiles Through 2026. appelle moi casanova t'es la plus belle; oh ma jolie sarah partition pdf Admin Country: US Admin Phone: +1.9104011750 Admin Phone Ext: Admin Fax: +1.9104011750 Deagle Web Solutions is a U.S.A. company, located in 1000 South Main Street, Laurinburg, North Carolina. The following is’s recently revised disclaimer of its Forecast 2025. And our Military spending slashed from $637 billion to a mere $32 billion. Home; Services. Home; Services. km. Deagel. At first I thought it was a mistake but Deagel had made a reply and stuck to their forecast. Call 6747-7844; [email protected]; 8416 1984; granulés de bois piveteau 72 sacs de 15kg. The forecast used to exist at [link to (secure)] and now that page just redirects to the home page.The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to … [2] The revised Deagel 2020 forecast continues on this venue and suggests that a secondary event will trigger such huge population casualty figures. The purpose of could be to promote the credibility of the fact checkers and/or counter intel. 1. Call 6747-7844; [email protected]; 8416 1984; granulés de bois piveteau 72 sacs de 15kg. Jan 17, 2018. Neben Statistiken gibt es auch Prognosen. In September the site issued an updated forecast based on the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic. How accurate our these Deagle forecasts? The World Bully will be the World Sissy. Deagel is a typical disinfo front out to discredit truthers. Somebody lost their mind They think by 2025 we’ll have only 2/3 of population, our gdp will drop from 20 trillion to 2, and we’ll reduce military spending by 95% Here is a link to the reformatted predictions as a open-doc spreadsheet . With Obama Ebola ‘Czar’ Ron Klain now officially exposed as calling for ‘depopulation’ as an answer to the world’s biggest problems as shared in the 2nd video below, we have been emailed a tip that should help prove to all doubters that ‘the end is near’ as shared in the 1st video. According to the media we are full. The following is’s recently revised disclaimer of its Forecast 2025. welche Rahmenbedingungen dieses benötigt. Well, I am so grateful that I took a screenshot with my phone on January 25,2020 so that you can see that they are now trying to hide this from the public. As is the case for the mega-cities concept, the Deagel documents demonstrate that the United States will have lost 90% of its people by the year 2025. Ein bisschen wie das CIA Fact Book. km. We are so glad you decided to visit The Daily Coin. The forecast used to exist at [ link to (secure)] and now that page just redirects to the home page. The Last Film from Rick Mayall - Watch it Before its too late - For You. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese European countries in general are unsafe. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. Cette organisation de renseignement hautement considérée a de sombres perspectives pour les États-Unis, notamment une diminution de 81% de sa population, passant de 327 millions d’habitants en 2017 à 100 millions en 2025 [].En fait, elle prédit un sort … L’intérêt de ces prévisions, c’est que le site de Deagel n’a pas de conflit d’intérêts dans ces prévisions. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese The forecast reflected a severely bearish sentiment. This one is starting to be passed around the conspiracy circles as 'proof that the end is near' or 'proof of depopulation'. The following is’s recently revised disclaimer of its Forecast 2025. The mere $8 billion dollar projected 2025 military budget speaks to a domestic martial law type of occupation force. The correct information about the depopulation agenda comes from the Georgia Guidestones that asserts a world population of 500 million…stretch that a bit to 750 million survivors (50% Orientals like Japanese, Chinese and Koreans + 40 % Whites + 10 % others). Somebody lost their mind They think by 2025 we’ll have only 2/3 of population, our gdp will drop from 20 trillion to 2, and we’ll reduce military spending by 95% 2,991. In reality, a single email leaked from Stratfor Enterprises, LLC references 133 million sq. This one is starting to be passed around the conspiracy circles as 'proof that the end is near' or 'proof of depopulation'. Deagel’s reports, in particular the aforementioned research on North Korea, were also provided to the President during Presidential Daily Briefings. Whois Lookup for I.e., was made by the fack checkers themselves who then debunk it in order to give anyone with reasonable data a bad name (poisoning the well), and give themselves credibility. is a website that came into focus in the 2014 - 2015 period for population reduction predictions in many (most?) However, the data had been safely archived and was still available for analysis. Answer (1 of 2): Deagel(dot)com is a website that claims massive depopulation of the U.S., and many other “western” countries by the year 2025. Länderliste Forcast 2025: That by itself is problematic. In the earliest capture of the page put the figure at … The Desert Eagle is a gas-operated, semi-automatic pistol known for chambering the .50 Action Express, the largest centerfire cartridge of any magazine-fed, self-loading pistol.. Magnum Research Inc. (MRI) designed and developed the Desert Eagle. As of recently, the folks at decided it was no longer necessary to show what the forecasted population for the US was. In September the site issued an updated forecast based on the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic. Density: 207 inhabitants / sq. The release of the CIA controlled Deagel documents which demonstrates that both the US and the UK lose most of their military before 2025. China, Russia, and Iran alone will out-number us 16 to 1! On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. European countries in general are unsafe. km. Deagel, une véritable organisation de renseignement pour le gouvernement américain, prévoit une dépopulation mondiale massive de 50 à 80% d’ici 2025. The 2025 WORLD DEPOPULATION MAP as PROJECTED Deagel Military Experts Website HOT TOPIC. Raytheon Co., Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $624,601,212 modification (P00007) to contract W31P4Q-21-D-0007 for the procurement of Stinger missiles and associated equipment. Country Population 2017 Population 2025 Population Change GDP 2017 GDP 2025 GDP Change ME 2017 ME 2025 ME Change PPP 2017 PPP 2025 PPP Change http www deagel com country. The forecast reflected a severely bearish sentiment. km. 1. But all these sources are from the internet and are of public domain for at least a minority. Laundry and Dry Cleaning; Curtain Cleaning; Blackout Curtains; Carpet and Rug Cleaning; Upholstery Cleaning; Mattress Cleaning; Disinfection Services; People are literally falling off the coastline. Jan 28 2021. Answer (1 of 2): Deagel(dot)com is a website that claims massive depopulation of the U.S., and many other “western” countries by the year 2025. + 26 Länder sollen nach Angaben von Deagel gar nicht mehr existieren. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. Deagel’s reports, in particular the aforementioned research on North Korea, were also provided to the President during Presidential Daily Briefings. Deagel, a company that does contract work for the U.S. military, seems to think so. – den großen Plan also, mittels selbsterfüllender Prophezeiungen, ausführt. TruNews provides a thoughtful overview of and the data therein on its January 28 program. Even the possibility of a World War III being fought with nuclear weapons doesn’t correlate with the applicable RU/PRC data utilized by … TruNews provides a thoughtful overview of and the data therein on its January 28 program. À propos de Deagel. Analysis shows that the drastic reduction in population predicted by Deagel falls disproportionately – indeed, overwhelmingly – on countries with a Christian heritage, 22 in all. The context of the '' reference is telling as well. For those interested in their future rankings of prosperity by country, I took the liberty of re-parsing the data off their site, and re-ordered the rows in terms of PPP in 2025. 3) The Deagel explanation relating to their assessment (e.g., US, United Kingdom, and Israel) doesn’t pass my muster. To my understanding Deagel is a reputable source for defence related information but what perplexed me was their 2025 country forecast which seemed outlandish. . welche Rahmenbedingungen dieses benötigt. I obtained their forecast data before it was taken down in April of this year. Massive global depopulation. However, we are quiet busy Advancing the Kingdom. The correct information about the depopulation agenda comes from the Georgia Guidestones that asserts a world population of 500 million…stretch that a bit to 750 million survivors (50% Orientals like Japanese, Chinese and Koreans + 40 % Whites + 10 % others). The release of the CIA controlled Deagel documents which demonstrates that both the US and the UK lose most of their military before 2025. Location. I'm aware the the figures are put together by certain information given by the CIA, UN & IMF. Domains ... REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant Country: FR Registrant Phone: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant Phone Ext: Registrant Fax ... @ENOM.COM Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4259744689 URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: HTTP://WDPRS.INTERNIC.NET/ >>> Last update of … . countries on the planet, and very severe reductions in some countries ( United States 65 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast, Germany 48 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast). So - less people, producing less stuff, in need of less protection. With this kind of budget, the U.S. would not even be able to engage in regional conflicts. . ---------- Das einzige bei dem ich mir ernsthaft unsicher bin, ist Title und Adress line 1 . of 50 to 80% according to Deagel. First, it was Deagel predicting the death of millions in America, now an MIT computer has jumped on board. It states that the United States will have a drastic reduction in population from today's 324 million to 54 million. For those interested in their future rankings of prosperity by country, I took the liberty of re-parsing the data off their site, and re-ordered the rows in terms of PPP in 2025. #1. Location. The version we viewed on YouTube was 333MM to 69MM. System now requires app for non-emergency alerts. Prognose Deutschland 2025. Drastic Population Reduction. 327M = 100 Millions US . And our Military spending slashed from $637 billion to a mere $32 billion. As is the case for the mega-cities concept, the Deagel documents demonstrate that the United States will have lost 90% of its people by the year 2025. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. G7 countries in general are a bad idea (1 in 3 will die at best) 3. It's a site owned by one Edwin Deagle, according to Today on TruNews, we discuss a new prediction by the publishers of military-analyst outlet, forecasting that 233 million Americans will leave or be killed by 2025, and societal collapse, and nuclear and biological war with Russia and China will cause this dramatic end to the United States as we know it. Edwin Deagle is also listed as an active member of the CFR and is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world. Nach lesen von dem Text wird mir klar, dass da wohl jemand zuviel Zeit hat und zwar amtliche Zahlen daherbringt, aber letztendlich was an der Waffel hat – oder einen Plan .. den PLAN !!! Please subscribe so that we can stay in touch and I can keep you informed about events and the release of future books, DVDs, etc. Other countries are also effected, some even worse. And while the website is STILL forecasting a massive depopulation for America by 2025, on our visit to their website this morning we found a huge difference in their 2025 forecast from just weeks ago. The Deagel documents clearly speak to who the winners and losers of the coming global conflict will be. #1. #1. At first I thought it was a mistake but Deagel had made a reply and stuck to their forecast. Cliquez sur les images pour les agrandir. Here is a link to the reformatted predictions as a open-doc spreadsheet . Deagel’s reports, in particular the aforementioned research on North Korea, were also provided to the President during Presidential Daily Briefings. September 25, 2021 It is extremely dangerous to stay in UK, USA or Germany – the epicentres of this slaughter – the places where they make the vaccines (4 in 5 will die here) 2. So - less people, producing less stuff, in need of less protection. Jan 17, 2018. By Lisa Haven. If you hover the mouse over the 69M it indicates -78%. This highly regarded intelligence organization has bleak prospects for the United States in the years to come, including an 81% decline in its population, from 327 million in 2017 to 100 million in 2025. Deagel hat es sich mit Militär und Dienste ganz offen in ihren eigenen Publikationen auf ihrer Seite zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Bevölkerungen in den verschiedenen Ländern bis 2025 stark zu dezimieren. Deagel report: this message resonates with you please donate: However, we are quiet busy Advancing the Kingdom. In der neuen Deagel-Liste [1] kommt Deutschland weiterhin nicht gut weg: Nur noch 28 Millionen Menschen (-65%), BIP -90% und die Kaufkraft um 71% eingedampft.. Wer das ließt und es für möglich hält – dem stellt sich die Frage wie ca. Deagel is a typical disinfo front out to discredit truthers. différence entre bastogne et spéculoos; taille haie viking hel 700 k prix. différence entre bastogne et spéculoos; taille haie viking hel 700 k prix. It names no sources, only claiming to have obtained its estimates by gleaning information off of the Internet. Gospel News Network A computer program dubbed “World One” created by Jay Forrester, is calculating not only a major decrease in life by the year 2020, a few years from now, but also the “end of civilization” by 2040. “The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. We'll be the military laughing stock of the world. The release of the CIA controlled Deagel documents which demonstrates that both the US and the UK lose most of their military before 2025. 2018 hat Deagel einen Bevölkerungsrückgang um bis zu 77% bis zum Jahr 2025 im Westen prognostiziert. COVID-19 Information. A computer program dubbed “World One” created by Jay Forrester, is calculating not only a major decrease in life by the year 2020, a few years from now, but also the “end of civilization” by 2040. In reality, a single email leaked from Stratfor Enterprises, LLC references It names no sources, only claiming to have obtained its estimates by gleaning information off of the Internet. Deutschlands Bevölkerung soll von über 80 . The forecast reflected a severely bearish sentiment. Who in 2014 would have believed that there would be a global pandemic that would have hit the USA so hard.

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