watcher angels rh negative blood

(See also Archangel) Archangels have free will as a gift from God for their endless and loyal services but still carry out God's tasks and orders to the other parts of the heavenly host. There are VERY few aberrations. by Ancient Code Team 2 months ago. For the longest time, the occult has associated Rh-negative blood with the Nephilim, terming it as the blood of the Gods. Rh - Neg Blood=Nephilim Watcher Descendants. While, of course, it is true that Incarnated Angels can have those challenges, Incarnated Angels can be tall or short, be physically fit, have brown hair, black hair, brown or hazel eyes, and any other physical . This is why they both sit at 9%. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? The . About the show. It rarely changes. Follow us. Eat well, move more, and lose the weight you want with our new programme! And their souls became the Demons that we all know today, the evil . There goes angels and bad angels. According to one unorthodox modern theory, the Nephilim, who are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-8 and Numbers 13:33 (and may be alluded to elsewhere), have Rh-negative blood. Archangel Michael is named as a physical watcher in the Middle East in the Dead Sea Scrolls. (Rhesus Negative or RH) blood upon the "Ark . Joshua claims from the Biblical quotes that, Rh-negative blood originated from the Watcher angels who interbred with human women during the pre-flood era, eventually producing giants known as nephilims. Our most popular plan! In an earlier meme, the highest concentration of Rh-Factor Negative was from northof Iraq. From the physical aspect, the Nordic aliens are always described as very tall, human-like beings. Being unnatural creatures, their souls had no place to rest in peace. This are called familiar spirits and they can use humans to harm and confuse others and spread fear. Roswell. Cosmic Convergence Research Group. It is believed those watcher angels used to roam over the earth during the pre-flood era. This is exactly what they are, however. . Before that the entity was in the land of the present sojourn, during the early activities of a peoples that had been banished from Atlantis. Then the souls or spirit beings from heaven were fused into these bodies and Real Man (Soul) became . Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. These studies focus on the Basque area of Europe. This is a very holy bloodline with powerful PSI abilities. . "Angels, Humans, Watchers, & Nephilim - Rh Negative Blood?" Start listening. 1. Publishes Daily. This was the creating and controlling the physical world, literally not symbolically. Some of them were taken by the beauty of human females and they had sexual relations with them, resulting in the birth of Nephilim. Good guy & bad guy aliens. Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. S1: Ep4 29 mins. . January . Get in-person and virtual weight-loss support from your Coach and groupwhenever you need it. As an example: I was guessed 25 when I was 17. Genesis 6:1-4 (just before the Flood story): "4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.". UFO Phenomena. Numbers 13:32-33 (The Twelve Spies report seeing giants in Canaan): Over a thousand "mustatils," ancient rock formations in Saudi Arabia, are now the earliest ritual landscape structures ever identified. Type 0 neg is the blood of the Annunaki, Watcher, and Fallen Angels. In Genesis 6, the Bible refers to the watcher angels as "sons" and "sons of God." This allele pattern led to speculations that Rh-negative genes may have been passed to Noah and Enoch after the flood. Stories of angels have been around before scripture. Get an individualised food plan, plus easy-to-use trackers, 24/7 Coach chat, and more - all in our award-winning app. 7) Rh negatives look older at a younger age and younger at an older age. Media portrayal of Aliens. The group of human beings who are positive with Rhesus Monkey DNA who have the Rh Positive blood factor, which are associated with Africa were referred to as the original Eves. The offspring of these fallen angels and human women are called the nephilim. Absorbing light, pushing light out. One to oxidise, one to clean. The RH factor is a protein found in the human blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey. In Daniel, these are obedient angels, in the Book of Enoch they are referred to as fallen angels. . The watcher angels were quoted as such in the book of Enoch and as "sons of God" in Genesis 6,4. Ethiopia's higher frequency of Rh negative blood seems to back the claims of intelligence agencies that the tribe of Dan possesses Rh . Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative (Rh-) mother is carrying a Rh positive child. They were given the tools to create existence from the energies of the great void Continue reading 24 Signs that You could be an Original . The Rh Negative factor means that a person having this blood factor has pure blood. The hair is usually fair, reaching at least the length of shoulders, although other colours have also been reported. This is a substantially higher rate than the general African population. Dreams about Aliens. The Annunaki are rumored to be many things. The watcher angels were quoted as such in the book of Enoch and as "sons of God" in Genesis 6,4. RH. People that have Rh-negative blood have similar characteristics like: Higher IQ than most There are 35 blood type groups recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion, but for simplicity's sake, most people only really need to know about the two most important ones: ABO and the Rhesus D system. If a woman with Rh-negative blood becomes pregnant with an Rh-positive baby, her body will produce antigens signaling to her immune system that her fetus is essentially toxic. The Luciferian religions believe that by abusing children and people of this bloodline, they are directly attacking God. A lot of debate about angels and demons surrounds the interpretation of these mysterious passages. Indigos Considering the watcher angels were bound by God around 3,000 B.C. 3528-1 21. 84 0. There goes angels and bad angels. Many times we seem to be considered "old souls" even when we are very young and as we get older, people tend to guess us younger and often compliment our energy. These evil demonic entities are known to abduct and rape blue-eyed blondes with Rh Negative blood. . Supposedly they were the charged with a great task. The Nephilim are the offspring of The Watchers mating with the daughters of men. Rh negative blood is found among the Ethiopians at a frequency of 8%. But the nephilim from The Bible should not be alive today, because they were all killed by Archangel Gabriel before the flood. We will also have a guest who has been and is currently a targeted individual. RH negative blood group is from ANNUNAKI heritage. Some rh - have the disposition of the spirit inwhich angels can use them for good causes. The Watchers (Aramaic, iyrin) is a term found in the Old Testament Book of Daniel, and later sources, which is connected to angels. Source: history and legends concerning angelic entities who were supposedly. The RH- is said to be an unnatural mutation caused by breeding with Angels. . O - and B + blood with a recessive RH - would see their first days on Earth. People who are targeted by TPTB because of their Rh negative blood type, different genetic makeup, and more. Angels listen only to the orders given by the creator or commanding angel in charge, who will usually be an Archangel. People who are targeted by TPTB because of their Rh negative blood type, different genetic makeup, and more. Africans typically only have a 1-3% frequency of Rh negative blood. The RH Negative blood types have been extensively controlled and manipulated for attempted hijacking by the Illuminati Bloodlines, many insist that reptilians are the source of RH negative blood which is incorrect. When blood type is inherited from your parents, it is known that this factor element of the blood is the most consistent human or animal characteristic passed on to the off spring. Some rh - have the disposition of the spirit inwhich angels can use them for good causes. The original Adams were actually associated with Indian populations through out the world and in North and South America. Examine encounters with angels and demons. The Rh negative blood, which appears not to have originated on earth, may prove to be a major factor in proving mankind is a hybrid. Easy enough. O - and B + blood with a recessive RH - would see their first days on Earth. "Angels, Humans, Watchers, & Nephilim - Rh Negative Blood?" Start listening. Answer: Because people with Rh-negative blood type really are differentand often quite gifted in ways that threaten the status quo or establishment. Theory has it that the PURE Rh Negative blood factor is the blood factor of the Nazarenes and Jesus (Yashua). About the show. They are usually Rh negative, or have a stronger than usual tendency to certain problem such as autoimmune disorders, overweight, etc. When I was 39, I was also guessed 25. The hybridization has occurred between the Oraphim and Annunaki resulting in the Nephilim on planet. Scientists believe the Rh-negative factor is due to a cross-over event. Jochai also worked toward the book being pushed underground when he declared that all are cursed who believe angels are flesh and blood beings that physically came to earth. What the mark of the beast actually is comes from Genesis 4, the story of Cain, the first murderer. Red and white blood cells (black/white skin). This original race of human beings was created to look like the Watchers aka good angels or guardian angels. From the shroud evidence, Jesus' blood is Rh-negative (AB). This antigen is a sensitive protein that exists on the surface of red blood cells and can react negatively if it comes in contact with Rh-positive blood. The Watchers descended from . UFO sightings. Annunaki believe that you can truly create something from nothing. In Daniel 4:13, 17, 23 there are three references made to a the class of "watcher, holy one" (watcher, Aramaic `iyr, holy one Aramaic qaddiysh). Answer (1 of 8): In order to answer that question, I need to describe to you what the nephilim actually are. 140 Episodes. . Follow us. The hybridization of bloodline is not sourced or caused by Annunaki or reptilian races, as the source of RH negative blood on the earth. If all of the dots of RH negative hot spots lead us to the origins of a common continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, then we can fully conclude that this blood type comes from a lost land. 140 Episodes. 4% . Positive blood has the Rh factor (it contains the D antigen), and negative types lack it. Because O is more common and dominant than B + blood, more O type blood would be generated, splitting the difference between RH - and RH + probability, causing O category negative blood to have a comparable success rate to B + blood. The Rh Negative factor runs through the veins of approximately 10% of the global population today. If you have heard the claim that Rh negatives are descendants of "Nephilims", but are not exactly sure what the term stands for, this post is for you: The Nephilim (/nflm/; Hebrew: Nflm) are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely . But there are also the bad messangers and spirit of fear and confusion. and are due to be released after seventy generations (per the book of Enoch). "Angels, Humans, Watchers, & Nephilim - Rh Negative Blood?" December 21, 2018 169 minutes The history and legends concerning angelic entities who were supposedly sent to watch over mankind, but mated with human women instead. The RH negative is the source of Oraphim (Christ progenitors) consciousness, the original divine angelic . HYBRID RH NEGATIAVE SERPENT BLOODLINE (ARYANS) Wednesday, February 18, 2009 by Neil (Unknown) You will notice that many DNA studies on line ONLY track the SERPENT BLOODLINES with the Rh Negative blood factor. The Watchers had good and evil amongst them. These people do not have hybrid "Monkey Blood . It is believed that people with Rh-negative blood are more related than most humans to Annunaki or Watcher genes. Being a cell to a larger being. Angels, Watchers, and Annunaki. The children from that Union had both human and angelic blood and were called Nephilim, and because of that, were said to have a different blood type, the origin of Rh negative blood. But there are also the bad messangers and spirit of fear and confusion. So different, in fact, that some scientific researchers actually believe that only through the introduction of alien life on planet Earth, as in extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) from outer space . Their faces are very beautiful, perfectly symmetric and able to show a variety of emotions with their light blue, deep eyes. 96%. The "end times" During the end times the Watchers (see Book of Enoch) are taken back up.