what impact does diversity have on social justice essay

Considering the great diversity in America, there are issues with the following: An expensive educational system that does not meet the needs of society. Six opportunities that companies may receive when pursuing a strategy that values diversity include cost advantages, improved resource acquisition, greater marketing ability, system flexibility, and enhanced creativity and better problem solving (see (Figure) ). They tended to describe social justice as addressing injustices in equality and promoting opportunity, rights, fairness and acceptance of everyone, including people from diverse backgrounds. "Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. diversity because it is the most obvious issue. Social workers understand that every person regardless of position in society has fundamental human rights such as freedom, safety, privacy, an adequate . Accessible and affordable healthcare. On this page. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity, and social privileges.". We fight against ageism, racism and gender inequality because we believe all people should be empowered to choose how they live as they age. Social and economic disparities have faces and many are of color. The tremendous amount of social issues surrounding diversity has a major effect on the roots of ethical decisions made by management . It means preventing anyone from being shut down by others, by patterns of communication and interaction, or by mindlessness. If your image of a police officer involves a certain kind of person or a certain personality type—consider how someone different would be really essential to balance the demands of the job. diversity and social justice in the context of specialized social work practice. A huge part of social justice focuses on addressing this, because it costs people their ability to work, love, and even live, in many tragic cases. Growing Acceptance, Diminishing Discrimination. People from many different cultures with different values, faiths, and sets of beliefs call the US home. Leaders who want to harness the power of their employees' diverse experiences and succeed . The phrase social justice may sound simple, but it covers a pretty diverse scope of issues affecting our society. Diverse perspectives allow for a variety of. However, inequalities in the health care system still exist. Inequality in terms of wealth and income. L.L.M. These disparities are not random, but instead are the result of a long history of inequality due to a lack of social, economic and political opportunities. When it comes to people, diversity can be interpreted differently, for instance, it can be socioeconomic, cultural, gender, racial, etc. Academy of Management Executive, 5 (3): 45-56. In this paper, we provide a conceptual critique of the various constructs often used to justify policies and/or research to promote equity, diversity and social justice in science education. 11 Pages. Racism, in essence, is the lack of "fair" treatment of racial groups designated as "other" in the society. So what appears as a health crisis for some is . Many people avoid these discussions because they fear that conversations about race, bias, and . We need to confront them to ensure equal treatment for everyone. It is the range or extent to which a community can integrate just and successfully the largest number of groups of individuals with different . Social Justice Advocates: The Evolving Role of Medical Practitioners. In other words, everyone must be . Think about what DEI issues motivate you to action. INSIGHT's discussion with chief diversity officers of three U.S. law firms. But a deeper look reveals that many diseases and ailments have far more complex origins that are often rooted in social and economic inequities. Conceptions of equity and democracy have always been practically and theoretically connected . Understanding Race and Privilege. We have compiled 10 reasons why everyone should care about social justice: Take a free course on Social Justice by top universities. I connect diversity and appreciating diversity with being the foundation to this equation of equality because individuals need to understand that there will be differences between people. 156 Approaches to justice based on equality and discrimination are individualistic in their focus. Tara applies the. The following research in regard to what I am going to discuss within this essay is looked upon at the concept of justice . Social justice in nursing requires affordable, high-quality health care that is accessible to all people. There is perhaps little if any doubt about the significance of this question among people in poor and rich countries. Besides social justice essays, the law does have an important part in promoting social justice, but it is limited. First, the individual or interpersonal level, which includes everyday racism that happens with speech, glances. It appears in The Federalist Papers and was most likely […] For a society to be considered "just," it must treat LGBTQIA people with fairness. Each day our society becomes more and more diverse; we meet more people daily and each one brings a new perspective about something into our lives. Racial disparity in the criminal justice system is a product of a number of factors -crime, offenses such drugs, social and economic disparities, legislative policies, and the use of discretion by the criminal justice system. Disagreement will be settled with ease and concluded to favor both parties. Social justice is a powerful idea in society today, buts its origins and meanings are partially unclear. 5 Reasons Why Diversity is Important in the 21st Century. It also means that whoever in the group or team knows what needs to be said has the support to say it. "Social justice encompasses economic justice. Social workers understand how diversity and difference characterize and shape the human experience and are critical to the formation of identity. (100 words minimum) Serving underserved and under-resourced communities is an expression of social justice. Perhaps you are a teacher, youth group facilitator, student affairs personnel or manage a team that works with an underserved . Ours isn't a collection of individuals who are good at searching for information on the Internet and then conveniently re-writing the information obtained to barely beat . Diversity can be an asset in many ways. Explain how you plan to sustain your efforts to advocate for current social justice issues as a medical student and as a physician. It defends people from racism Discrimination based on race is another huge issue in most societies. Interestingly, a significant proportion (44 percent) of the students said they engaged in some activity that promoted social justice. Park the car momentarily to take a reflective pause. Economic, and Environmental Justice. Written by: Lisa Myers, J.D., L.L.M. Although the dictionary definition is accurate and true to the word meaning, we know that to answer the question of what is diversity in social terms we have to go further and describe diversity and inclusion through a social lens that shows us what a healthy, fair and inclusive diverse society looks like. Sometimes, the children alone need services, but getting social justice for the child may involve the entire family. When it comes to what is fair, everyone is owed basic things. Racism Essay Topics: The civil rights movement: a long struggle for freedom. The goal of researching diversity from this perspective is to move toward a more just world, with less oppression and more freedom and equality among people from different groups. Diversity often means race, ethnicity or tribal affiliation, but also extends well beyond those factors to sexual identity and orientation, income level, first-generation status, cultural . or actions. African-Americans are more likely than others to have . table distribution of power, resources, and obligations. Diversity. If your image of a police officer involves a certain kind of person or a certain personality type—consider how someone different would be really essential to balance the demands of the job. Secondly, an awareness of social differences is necessary to ensure a harmonious . These include religion, income equality, race, sexual orientation, and gender, among many others. On the surface, the causes of many health problems in the U.S. seem apparent. While it may be difficult to pin down an exact definition of the concept, social justice . The Social diversity Is a concept that defines and encompasses the great variety of different and similar characteristics that are shared between all human beings, both personally and at a group level. Examples of experiences that demonstrate your commitment . There are two reasons why it's important for those working in the justice system to have an understanding of multicultural differences. Describe what you have learned about yourself from your concrete social justice experiences. June 20, 2020 by Toni O'Boyle. Certainly, disparities are closely linked with social or economic disadvantage and with lack of accessible, timely, quality health care. Posted On. Managing Cultural Diversity. The use of intersectionality is social justice work that aims to interrogate and challenge inequality and exclusion (Case, 2016). Carefully consider the diversity, equity and inclusion issues that you are passionate about. The Army's definition of diversity is the different attributes, experiences, and backgrounds of our Soldiers, civilians and family members that further enhance our global capabilities and contribute to. The African-Americans were at the center of the civil rights movements in the US. Since these are issues we encounter every day, you will, on countless times in your student life, get assigned a social justice project. Diversity enhances creativity. Examine where you are. We will write a custom essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. This understanding helps us to navigate and … Equality and Diversity Read More » 1. 2530 Words. Conservative welfare states are often religious and/or nationalist in nature, with a strong emphasis on family values. 5 Reasons Why Diversity is Important in the 21st Century. These effects span all developmental areas and can result in compromised health, education, life chances thus impinging access to societal services. Social Impact of Racism Racism can occur at three levels. These are just the most common ones. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater social or economic obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group. Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. There will be no cause for dispute or civil war since everyone shares the same idea, authority, and power. The Independent Sector Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focus area highlights information and tools to help leaders make the changes that will lead to more diverse, inclusive, and equitable organizations. Even simply being exposed to diversity can change the way you think. Looking beyond the repercussions for a generation born on social media, these platforms remain an essential way for marketers to reach their audiences. April 17, 2017. Systemic racism in America: racial discrimination, inequality, and injustice. While COVID-19 victims reflect a wide swath of Americans irrespective of social position, the most vulnerable are marginalized populations, who are most inclined to encounter health disparities. Social justice is generally defined as the fair and equi-. It ensures that everyone gets the essentials for a good life. First, we explore the ways . Systemic racism can be unintentional. Social justice is chosen as a lens through which to conduct the analysis of the impact of using AI decision-making processes because it is more expansive than the requirement of equality. Ethical diversity includes fairness in evaluations and promotions, effective training and fair pay. Social justice is an ideal condition in which all members of a society have the same basic rights, protections, opportunities, obligations, and social benefits. The argument is that "social justice" requires diversity, and thus the presence in every group or organization all varieties of race, sexuality, gender, class, ethnicity, and disability. Interventions aimed at social justice have to be aimed at equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Social injustice is also the way unjust actions are done in the society. As research expands in these areas, we seek to provide some clarity to support researchers in deepening their work toward transformative goals in science teaching and learning. Social justice focuses on promoting unity and wholeness in society by giving everyone equal opportunities and rights. Through growing contact with, exposure to, and communication between people who are not like . Equality and Diversity in Counselling We live in a diverse society, and in order to counsel ethically and effectively, it is important that we are mindful of how diversity and difference impact on our clients, our profession, our own lives and the therapeutic relationships we form with clients. 157 Fineman argues that a concentration on equality does . Use children's literature: There's a wealth of children's books that can be read aloud and independently to approach the topic of bias, diversity, and social justice. Best Essay Writing Services- Get Quality Homework Essay Paper at Discounted Prices At the risk of sounding immodest, we must point out that we have an elite team of writers. Diversity in law enforcement helps us understand that all kinds of people are needed in this job. Their struggle for their rights culminated into the legislation that helped them gain social, economic, and political equality in the American society. Through growing contact with, exposure to, and communication between people who are not like . By Larry Ortiz (Professor of Social Work and Social Ecology) - May 6, 2020. Promoting diversity is the first step to not just "tolerance" but true inclusion and acceptance. Diversity can improve the bottom line of companies and lead to unfettered discoveries and breakthrough innovations. Many leagues have adopted creative solutions to overcome health and safety challenges. Even as the recent surge of COVID-19 cases from new variants has led to increased lockdowns around . Valuing diversity means valuing everyone's differences, even one's own. Open Document. The field of counseling is paying close attention to . INSIGHT Into Diversity recently spoke with three chief diversity officers at law firms across the country to gain insight into current efforts to diversify law school enrollment and the legal field. 1. Six opportunities that companies may receive when pursuing a strategy that values diversity include cost advantages, improved resource acquisition, greater marketing ability, system flexibility, and enhanced creativity and better problem solving (see (Figure) ). That includes fairness in healthcare, employment, housing, and more. It is hoped this analysis has been successful in highlighting devastating life-long impacts discrimination and oppression can have on the lives of minority groups in society. Diversity Topics: Effective Strategies in Social Justice. These decisions are also based on ethics, general morality, and on the individual's understanding of diversity. Besides, the best skills and traits to have as a police . Beyond ideas for creating a more inclusive profession, they provided . This paper will also focus on some of the reasons why racial disparity exists within sentencing. Keeping in mind that the purpose of the statement is to demonstrate a commitment to fostering diversity, the following elements may be appropriate: Statement of values as they relate to your understanding and commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, and/or justice in higher education. The conception of social justice refers more broadly to fairness and equality, but it additionally speaks to a worldwide structure for human rights, recognition and dignity, however patent laws are utilized for instance peoples . Get Help With Your Essay Diversity in law enforcement helps us understand that all kinds of people are needed in this job. Generally, a diversity essay can be incisive or divisive depending on how you frame it. 308 certified writers online. 2 Ideally, children are included in these discussions, as the decisions affect them directly. Campbell University B.A. Whether it's a book about people who are different from your students (window books), an affirmation of their identity (mirror books), or one that exposes bias or shares . It has also enabled social scientists to study how diversity in the classroom leads to students' increased cultural understanding, stronger critical thinking skills and enhanced creativity, which all better prepare them for adulthood. Corllins University Consequently, when racism becomes institutionalized in a society . Call us at (702) 403-1592 to speak to one of our enrollment team about joining our Criminal Justice Program today! There's a tendency to refer to people, or a person, as "diverse." Even with the best intentions, referring to people this way feels a lot like euphemism for "outside the majority," or "different from the dominant group." This framing of diversity is misleading at best, because it assumes we're all the same. Legal Studies Department Director J.D. We call them social issues when they start negatively impacting a specific group of people. When it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society, individuals and society has a responsibility for the well-being of others. These might be issues around race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, economic justice and the like. in society to all people, regardless of race or . United Nations. Social justice is fairness as it manifests in society. Defining Social Justice. In recent years, globalization, remote work, and a focus on social justice have created a workforce that is more diverse than ever before. Research shows that diverse work groups produce more cognitive processing and more exchange of information. This aim mirrors Speight and Vera's (2009) assertion that social justice includes the examination and transformation of the processes that initially contributed to unequal outcomes and marginalization of certain groups. Access to food, shelter, and clean water are the big three. However, it is a concept that has been heavily contested over the last 30 years. Sports icons and leagues have leveraged their platforms to address key social justice issues. Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice The diversity issue focused on in this paper will be racial disparity in sentencing. . This type of welfare state (in its extreme form) is less about reducing inequality and improving citizens lives than it is maintaining the status quo - a hierarchical system based on a culture of dependence (Esping-Anderson, 1990). Discrimination and social justice are not compatible. It is a policy that is intellectually substantial, being based in its modern form on the Rawlsian theory of justice. Whether you argue there are more benefits or disadvantages to a world run on . Social justice is a long-standing concept used to justify government intervention and the distribution of resources. The course aims to enhance cultural competence by raising students' awareness of their own values, assumptions, and biases, as well as their relationships and styles of interaction and communication with people from cultures different than their own. Unconscious racism: the psychology behind implicit racial bias and discrimination. The development of social welfare programs and policies happens by responding when the problem already exists and by preventing the problem before it arises. Diversity comes in numerous forms such as gender, race, age, sexual orientation, cultural, and a lot more. Social justice and cultural diversity tend to be important societal issues in the 21 st century. This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. Organizational-level efforts to take action on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace are important, but not enough on their own to create lasting change. While "social justice" as a term sees widespread use these days, it's not new. In this post, we offer a foundational understanding of the issues: baseline definitions, the case for why diversity matters, and an . Apr 14,2016 Social Injustice: Discrimination Social injustice can be described as a situation in which dominant population is made known of the inequity that leads for others due to their relative position in the structure of power (Maus n.p.). Justice is the concept of fairness. A combination of diversity and social/economic justice among groups of people means that, within an organization, there is difference of structure and culture which ultimately have a direct effect on the attitudes, feelings and perceptions of the individuals whenever they are within their working places that must be understood. Besides, the best skills and traits to have as a police . Academy of Management Executive, 5 (3): 45-56. Social media is a great equalizer that allows for large-scale discourse and an endless, unfiltered stream of content. Diversity is an important piece to every society and it is imperative not to became an exclusive society. Social justice and cultural diversity tend to be important societal issues in the 21 st century. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.". Social workers facilitate strong relationships with people by visiting homes, sitting down with family members, and talking about their problems. June 20, 2020 by Toni O'Boyle. Common examples of social injustice include the topics about discrimination, ageism and gender and sexuality. Sports have brought people together during the COVID-19 pandemic. National Association of Social Workers. Social Justice & COVID-19. We will take action against economic inequality through a pro-poor governance agenda that will ensure that the most vulnerable in our society - the Forgotten People - can live a life of dignity. When the equals are treated unequally, that is when social injustice resurface. This page showcases research on racism, discrimination, and social justice to improve psychological outcomes for underrepresented communities. Moreover, as race and cultural diversity issues increase, there appear to be a need to bridge the gap between social justice and cultural diversity (Constantine, Hage, Kindaichi, & Bryant, 2007). Emerging nursing leaders are turning these inequalities into opportunities, pursuing advanced education to create a health care system that's socially just and accessible to all. It encourages the search for novel information and perspectives, leading to better decision making and problem solving. Posted On. Racism in America: decades of failed reforms and police brutality. Second, the institutional or systemic level, which involves organizations like governments and the education or justice system. Equality of standing, concerning race, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. Conclusion. A social justice education is centered in democracy and the freedom to exercise one's full humanity. By Alexandra Vollman -. The fight for political rights was one of the most critical platforms . Across the nation, children of all backgrounds are experiencing a time in which discussions about race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and culture are at the forefront of their everyday lives. Growing Acceptance, Diminishing Discrimination. Moreover, as race and cultural diversity issues increase, there appear to be a need to bridge the gap between social justice and cultural diversity (Constantine, Hage, Kindaichi, & Bryant, 2007). First, when a group of people is alienated from a system because of disparities, that group's distrust with the system will grow. The field of counseling is paying close attention to . Managing Cultural Diversity. One of the research methods used in this paper will be case studies. Our experienced instructors are on-campus to review and support your learning experience at all times. The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement. Psychological research has shown that racism and racial discrimination—at both the interpersonal and systemic levels—are barriers to human development and psychological wellbeing. 1. 4 Diversity brings in new ideas and experiences, and people can learn from each other . Promoting diversity is the first step to not just "tolerance" but true inclusion and acceptance.