why was john the only disciple at the cross

However, upon closer study, there is another follower of Jesus that is a stronger candidate that you have At the Cross. John was the only Apostle who did not die a martyrs death, but he came very close. Jesus trusted this man, so He asked him to take care of His mother. For you to become like Christ. Living nearly to the very end of the 1st century, he died of natural causes and it was because of an amazing miracle. Disciples of John the Baptist. Jesus' very words and actions revealed that was not a Man who totally abandoned His family for Tradition says John was the author of the cryptic bookend of the New Testament, Revelation, as well as the three New Testament letters and Gospel that bear his name. Answer: You refer to Jesus words to the Beloved Disciple, commonly understood to be St. John: When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his It was simply The list of people at the crucifixion of Jesus we have seen in Scripture is, up to this point, devoid of disciples. He was a one of the inner circle of three The idea that Jesus was gay is not new and, if he was gay, he must have had someone to be gay with. The other Apostles, John alone, among the Apostles, remained near Jesus at the foot of the cross on Calvary alongside myrrhbearers and numerous other women; following the instruction of Jesus from the Cross, Jesus simple act of servanthood must have impacted John greatly. John: The Only Disciple at the Cross. The twelve werent the only disciples who followed Jesus as he traveled through Galilee and Judah teaching, healing, and proclaiming the coming of the kingdom of God. Johns is the only gospel that records Jesus washing the disciples feet (John 13:4-16). St. John the Evangelist, whose feast day is December 27th, is known as the disciple whom Jesus loved or John the Beloved. Yet these were not Johns Answer. The Scriptures are silent as to whether the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee (Matt 27:56) were there as they were after Jesus death. Some time passed before the church called on John again. Jesus loves all His disciples equally. One of the biggest mysteries in biblical scholarship concerns the identity of "the disciple whom Jesus loved." John the Baptist, Marys cousin Elizabeths son, was killed (beheaded) during Jesus ministry so he could not have been at the crucifixion. Gospel of John Jesus of History. He was exiled to the island of Patmos. The disciple whom Jesus loved was the first to recognize Jesus, telling Peter It is the Lord.. Along with Martha, Lazarus, and Mary, John is described explicitly in this Gospel as one whom Jesus Saint John the Apostle is the only Apostle who did not die a mutual death on a cross. This disciple was the only disciple who stood at the foot of the cross when Jesus was dying. c) Finally, it appears when the beloved disciple is described as standing by the mother. Placing ourselves in the scene, we can see Jesus, three women, and But the last Apostle to die, John, met a very different fate. Only one disciple returned to stand at the foot of the cross. But Peter wasnt there. John was called to be an Apostle by our Lord in the first year of His public ministry. Did each of the disciples of Christ abandon him when he was arrested before his crucifixion? That the scripture might be fulfilled, ten of the twel Therefore, between 90-and 95, however, he was exiled to the island of Patmos by Emperor Domitian. John at the foot of the Cross is the loyal friend. Some scholars speculate that John The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved cites evidence that reveals the identity of this disciple and the one-of-a-kind gift from God that made him so unique. The Gospel of John is the only gospel that contains the phrase the disciple whom Jesus loved, as seen in the following passages: One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was sitting leaning on the chest of Jesus. (John 13:23). Best Answer. Based on the Biblical text, here are some possible reasons why John the Apostle was the only disciple to live a full life: A. Jesus declares that the world will hate his followers because they Of all the disciples of Jesus, John was the only one who went to Calvary and watched Him die an undeserved death on the cross. Copy. The the disciple whom Jesus loved was at the last supper (13:23), and in the Synoptics we are told Jesus even asks John to take care of his mother during Jesus crucifixion. Wiki User. 1) Intimacy with Christ is developed through the good and the bad. A. Why is it that John was so convinced that Jesus loved him? He doesn't play favorites. I appreciate the other answers! I have been fascinated with John the apostle too! I can think of another reason why God gave him such a long life All of the others had deserted Him. He was the only one of the 12 apostles present at the cross. After Pentecost, John teamed up with Peter to fearlessly preach the gospel in Jerusalem and suffered beatings and imprisonment for it. John underwent a remarkable transformation as a disciple, from the quick-tempered Son of Thunder to the compassionate apostle of love. He was born in 5 B.C. I chose him as my patron saint on my Confirmation day for three reasons: 1) He is the Apostle who laid his head on Christs breast at the institution of the Blessed Sacrament, and thus the first devotee of the Sacred Heart. Matthew says (Matthew 28:55; Mark 15:40, 41) that many women stood afar off beholding these things, and amongst them Mary John shows us the way to stay close to Christ. So Jesus was saying to his mother "Go and live with your sister and John, my beloved disciple, for whom I will provide and will be your provider. The complete MasterLife study consists of four books . other women, and the beloved disciple standing by the cross. The disciples recognized John the apostle as the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 21:20). The disciples present at this event were Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples. St. John of the Cross. The declaration in the Book of Joh n and the Book of Matthew (Jn 21:20; Matt. John was the son of Zebedee who was also a fisherman in Galilee. Before we mention the disciples he attracted we need to learn a little bit about John the Baptist himself. In John 21, John uniquely shares the post-resurrection miraculous catch of fish and specifies the precise number caught: 153. Each book is a six to seven week study. "sons of thunder" ( Mark 3:17 ). This disciple whom Jesus loved, St. John, one of three disciples closest to him, is the only male disciple who is at the foot of the cross as Jesus is dying. John tended to be obnoxious, self centered, temperamental, and got angry easily. Peter, James, and John were among the A disciple of Jesus Christ is a person who chooses to follow Jesus Christ and be an imitator of His way in their daily life. All anyone of us have is a full life if we died when we were 5 or die when we are a hundred and five. We only have one life. So what is a full life just 6 months before the birth of Jesus John, his brother James, Peter, and Andrew were all partners in the fishing business before they became disciples of Jesus. In John we see two pairs, the unnamed AND THEN THERE IS JOHN IN THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS. Before Jesus died on the cross, he entrusted his mother Mary to The expression "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (either phileo or agapao) is only ever a reference to the disciple John. 2009-03-19 14:03:01. This could explain why John (the other disciple) was known to the high priest and to the servant girl at the gate (18:16). Saint John the Apostle is the only Apostle who did not die a mutual death on a cross. History of John the Disciple of Jesus. By order of the Roman Emperor, Domitian, John was exiled to the island, Patmos. Domitian ordered his exile because hesaw John as a threat to his rule. However, his popularity and influence in the Christian community continued through correspondence with all the churches. Traditionally, John the Gospel writer was the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was called the Disciple whom Jesus loved (John 13:23; p. 1135). In John 19:2627 we read, When Jesus saw his mother there, and the The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus (John 1:35-37). On the cross, Jesus entrusted the care of his mother, Mary, to an unnamed disciple, probably John, who took her into his home (John 19:27). Church tradition holds the Beloved Disciple is John, son of Zebedee and brother of James. John, his brother James, Peter, and Andrew were all partners in the fishing business In this study we find three St. John the Apostle, the son of Zebedee and Salome, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. - But there were standing by the cross of Jesus. John was the only apostle at the cross when he died. This answer is: Helpful ( 3) Not Helpful ( 0) Add a Comment. Mary the No. John the Apostle was probably not even literate, and certainly not in the Greek language that was used for all the books of the New Testament. St. John was probably the youngest of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and the one who is referred to as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was the only Apostle who was at the foot The Apostle John is the author of five New Testament books: the gospel of John, the three short epistles that also bear his name (1, 2, and 3 John) and the book of Revelation. Women at the Crucifixion. Salome was alive and with Mary at the Cross. Scholars say no. John was the only disciple who remained faithful, loving, and constantly wanting time with Jesus. A disciple of Jesus Christ is a person who desires to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength And to love one another as Jesus Christ loved us.. . Matthew 22:37-40 John 15:9-12. John may have been the only Gospel writer to have been an eye-witness of the crucifixion (see 19:35). And Christ entrusted His own mother to His beloved disciple as He hung upon the cross (John 19:25-27). ANSWER: To learn the history of John, the disciple of Jesus, we begin with his life before he met Jesus. I too have pondered this question and I have a theory. John the Beloved was the only one of twelve disciples who stood by Jesus at the crucifixion. He remained loyal to the Lord, even in the most difficult time. John was a believer, His brothers were not at this time, and since His mother was a believer, it was better that she be taken care of by another believer. He sees the divine origin and divine mission. Have you ever asked why was St. John the Evangelist was the only Apostle to stand at the foot of the Cross with the Blessed Mother and other female disciples? John and his brother St. James were among the first disciples called by Jesus. He was plunged into boiling oil. However, (agapa) is also used in the phrase "the disciple whom Jesus loved" in John 19:26 (John), John 21:7 (John), John 21:20 (John); but also in a slightly different way of Peter (John 21:15). a. It is believed that John remained faithful to His lord and the task He had given him at the foot of cross, remaining in Jerusalem to care for Mary until she died years later. the son of Alphaeus) and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children, expressly identified here as elsewhere with Salerno, "women who followed The mother of Zebedee's sons (mentioned by Matthew) 4. However, John's Gospel says that the 'disciple whom Jesus loved', alone of the disciples, stood at the foot of the cross with Mary. John the Apostle Demands His Deposit. The implication being that, at that stage, they hadn't fully grasped what the Saviour was about. Church tradition holds that John was the only apostle to die of old age. 2. John tells us only that Jesus carried the cross out of the Also, the anonymous disciple of John 18:15 is usually interpreted as being the Beloved Disciple, who enjoys privileges that night because of his acquaintance with the High Priest, but this privileged disciple could not have been Lazarus, whom the chief priests sought to kill. Matthew says (Matthew 28:55; Mark 15:40, 41) that many women stood afar off beholding these things, and amongst them Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James (the less, i.e. In THE SEVEN WORDS OF JESUS ON THE CROSS. St. John of the Cross is not easy to read; but when we read the poetry, the sayings and the few letters we possess, we sense almost intuitively that we are hearing someone who As Ruth remained bound to her mother-in-law Naomi in times of trouble, as David continued to love his closest friend Jonathan slain in battle, The goal is your discipleship. In any case, The strongest candidate for the role of Jesus GBF is The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved and he can only be found in the Gospel attributed to John. We thus encounter two anonymous disciples who begin following Jesus and presumably become John was and the son of Zebedee and brother of James. John sees beyond the materialistic and naturalistic. I have left this roster spot until last largely because there is only one disciple at the crucifixion of Jesusthe disciple whom Not only do we follow His literal example of submitting to baptism, but in Romans 6, the apostle Paul shows us how we beautifully imitate our Lord in another way during the sacred transaction. By the time he returned, the bishop had given up hope on the young man and forgotten him. John was the son of Zebedee, a Galilean fisherman, and Salome. MasterLife is a developmental, small-group discipleship process that will help you develop a lifelong, obedient relationship with Christ. Like Mary, this was the only place for John. He is considered the same person as John the Evangelist, John of Patmos and the Beloved Disciple. Johns faith was put to the hardest test not only at the Cross, but from the moment of the Last Supper. We take it then for granted that four women are mentioned as being present at the crucifixion of the Lord. If we remember that the whole Gospel of John takes a very short "snapshot" of the life of Jesus (~22 days) then we can see why The Lord left the care of His mother to John. The Gospel writers use "follow" over 75 times to show that following Jesus means being a disciple of Christ (for example, Matt 4:19, Mark 1:18, Luke 5:11, 27-28). He continued to work to spread the gospel for many years after Jesus's In this way you will know that I am still providing directly for you, as your faithful eldest son". Traditionally, the the disciple whom Jesus loved is John, the son of Zebedee. Finally, there standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and In spite of his weaknesses he was dependable, prompt and courageous, faithful and devoted. God has a special plan for all His followers. In the case of the Apostle John, God wanted him to live because He had special work to do for Him (Ch The Evangelist John is the first of the saints of the Church to be called Theologian. After the Dormition of Our Lady, the saint went to Ephesus Here are a few things we can learn from this account: 1) That Jesus cared for family. He sees the glory of God in All this happened while Jesus mother and the disciple John were at the cross, wanting to be with Jesus. Although John does not mention himself by name in his own gospel, he refers to himself four times as the disciple Jesus loved.. He is pictured as the Apostle who leaned on Jesus, and his kindness and gentle spirit emanate from his gospel and epistles. When Jesus was on the cross, both the apostle John and Mary the mother of Jesus stood nearby. According to the Gospel of John, this was the disciple who leaned on Jesus during the Last Supper, and the only male disciple present at the crucifixion. John was the son of Zebedee and Salome, and the brother of James the Greater. Basically, John was chosen because of his witness of the life of Christ. It appears that Simon, who was literally following Jesus, would eventually become a true follower and disciple of Jesus. No proof exists of this belief since John never mentions his own name in the entire book (its important to note here the other three writers of the Gospels also do not mention their names). Without further ado, here are some things we can learn from John, the beloved disciple. Many say this anonymous disciple was the apostle John, but scripture proves this could not be true. However, John does mention his name in Revelation 1:1. John the Apostle was the son of Zebedee and the younger brother of James the Great.According to church tradition, their mother was Salome. He was a one of the inner circle of three whom Jesus made His most close friends (Matthew 17:1). 1. The others are too afraid to be so closely identified with a man condemned by the Romans, as well as by the leaders of their own people (Mark 14:50; Luke 23:49). So Jesus was saying to his mother "Go and live with your sister and John, my beloved disciple, for whom I will provide and will be your provider.

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