describe the characteristics of temperate breeds of cattle

-Horned and Polled. The origin and general characteristics of the principal types of cattle currently inhabiting the various tropical areas of the world are considered. Characteristics of some of the main Bos taurus breeds are: Angus. Origin: Scotland. Introduced to Australia about 1840. Features are ablack coat (recessive red gene also), polled. Suited to vealer, steer andbullock production or maternal/rotational place in crossbreeding. Other temperate breeds which have in the past been used in crossbreeding on Zebu populations include the following: DAIRY SHORTHORN. Body size. Simmental: The Simmental breed originated in the Simme valley of western Switzerland. They have high fertility and good mothering ability, and generally have a docile temperament. -England. Body size is best evaluated as weight at a stat- Abstract. Another outstanding characteristic is the Afrikaner's resistance to most of the country's endemic diseases, such as redwater, heartwater and gall sickness. The cattle are well adapted to veld conditions in the warm, arid and extensive grazing areas of the country, and react well to intensive feeding. They also have larger weight gains and higher mature weights than other temperate breeds of dairy or dual purpose cattle. -Known for: marbling well, hardy, adaptable. Bos taurus (or Bos taurus taurus), typically referred to as "taurine" cattle, are generally adapted to cooler climates and include almost all cattle breeds originating from Europe and northern Asia. Regardless of the time frame it is generally accepted that the domestication of cattle followed sheep, goats, pigs and dogs. They are short horned and have a small erect hump, representing some 6.6% of the national herd. These regions contain > 70% of the worlds cattle population (Figure 1), predominately Bos indicus-influenced breeds with diets based on forages and agricultural by-products. Some authorities date the domestication of cattle as early as 10,000 years ago, and others almost half that amount of time. quadrupeds), and the species being divided into Bos indicus (humped cattle), Bos taurus (without any hump), Bos bubalis (the buffalo). Among mammals, cattles belong to the genus Bos (ruminant. (v) Wadara: Wadara cattle, another Nigerian breed, are medium-sized, lightly built cattle, and are usually dark-red, black, pied or brown. Modern domestic cattle evolved from a single early ancestor, the aurochs. The characteristics of the breed are its small mature body size (mature body weight equals 60% of Holstein Friesian); early sexual maturity; high butterfat levels; poor beef capacity. OTHER TEMPERATE BREEDS. The major functional traits important in Texas beef production include -Red with white face, can have white on shoulder. breed of cattle, with the female weighing in at between 700 and 750 kg and standing 1.40 metres tall. In some parts of the world further species of cattle are found (both as wild and domesticated animals), and some of these are related so closely to taurine and indicus cattle Wadara cattle are the indigenous cattle of They finish readily on good quality pastures and are noted for their good marbling characteristics when finished on grain. The major functional traits important in beef production include body size, milking potential, age at puberty, hot climate adaptability, fleshing ability, muscle expression, cutability, and marbling. Body sizeis best evaluated as weight at a stated level of condition or body fatness. They have long, frizzy brown hair, and long, thin, light-coloured horns. and six breeds of buffaloes found spread all over the country. Genetic classifications and breeds. Cattle can be divided into two basic classifications, Bos taurusand Bos indicus. Bos taurus, or non-humped, cattle in the United States originated in the British Isles and west- ern continental Europe. Table 1 lists characteristics of the major breeds of cattle in Texas those most numerous or most familiar in the state by estimates of purebred breed-wide averages. -need pigmentation around eye to avoid cancer eye. The major functional traits important in Texas beef production include body size, milk- ing potential, age at puberty, hot climate adapt- ability, fleshing ability, muscle expression, cut- ability, and marbling. Meet Andrew Carruthers. Simmentals are one of Andrew Carruthers. A total of 1183 blood samples were collected by jugular venipun The performance of our kg/ha has been outstanding. Andrew runs a commercial temperate cattle and prime lamb operation in NSW. . It's a combination of genetics and also understanding our country and the way we manage our livestock." -Western England. Using genetic classification and levels of functional traits, breeds can be grouped into these functional types: Piedmontese Cattle Characteristics, Uses & Origin - ROY'S Live. The breed is well known for its high milk yields (with averages of over 6,000 kg per lactation in several countries), but fat and solids-not-fat contents are low. Two hundred twenty four dairy cattle (6 mo to second calving) representing four breeds (169 Holstein, 24 Guernsey, 19 Jersey, 12 Brown Swiss) were used to determine effects of age, temperature-season, and breed on blood characteristics. Hereford. Shorthorn. Appendix A lists other breeds with registry associations. In India at present there are twenty six well defined breeds of cattle. Animals included under the term cattle are the Western or European domesticated cattle and the Indian and African domesticated cattle. -3 main colors: Red, White, Red Roan.