how is general taheri different from baba

Once news spread that Baba was dying, many local Afghans came to pay their respects, including the Taheris. ∙ 2011-10-10 17:56:01. At Baba's bedside, Amir asks if he will go to General Taheri to ask Soraya's hand in marriage for Amir. Then Amir asked him to ask General Taheri to go khastegari, to ask for Soraya's hand in marriage. For FREE! a teacher Which of the following does Soraya not do to defy Afghan traditional customs and rules that sultans of Kabul. They lived together for nearly a month before General Taheri found her and took her home. He lived with this father Baba and the two servants -Ali and his son Hassan. Their greatest similarities are their strength of will and their pride: Taheri is willing to give his daughter's hand traditionally to Amir, but will not tolerate his seeing and wooing her at the. They both. Explain. It was living in it that gave him an ulcer" (125). ENG 4U1. General Taheri Soraya's father and a friend of Baba. In the U.S., he never found a job because he thought the work was below him. Baba mocks him and tells him he will have no success. Chapter 11 3. The Taheris arrive and Soraya comforts Amir. Baba and Amir were at a flea market, and Baba sees an old friend, General Taheri. He has lived off welfare. At the flea market, Baba introduces Amir to General Taheri who worked for the Ministry of Defense in Kabul. The relationships that clearly demonstrate this need for a fatherly figure . Here is another example of how Amir and Baba are different, Baba actually speaks up. Baba is proud, independent, emotionally distant, and impatient. General Taheri was a selfish man. Baba and General Taheri, share similar characteristics in their relationships and personality traits. In the summer of 1988, Amir finishes his first novel. Both Baba and General Taheri are very focused on . Baba is the one who proposes the marriage to General Taheri. Baba wants to impress General Taheri with his son's accomplishments, so he brags about Amir's grades. General Taheri places great value on Afghan traditions. Relationships In the Kite runner. General Taheri-Soraya's father and Baba's good friend. General Taheri was a patient and kind man. Is he similar to or different from Baba. Baba got a job at a gas station, and Amir goes on to finish high school and then goes to college. Two days later Baba is discharged from the hospital, and that night Amir asks him to go to General Taheri and ask for his permission to marry Soraya. How does the incident with the Russian soldier show the differences between Baba and Amir? Summary and Analysis Chapter 12. Organize following characters from most interest to leanest interesting regarding interest in Amir's writing. why is this significant?1986 high school basketball player rankings Consultation Request a Free Consultation Now There's an exchange between His Lordship Taheri and Amir about writing. Amir narrates, ''I learned that he had kept his family on welfare and had never held a job in the U.S., preferring to cash government-issued. What gifts does Soraya bring to Amir and Baba? The story is now set in America in the 80's where Baba works at a gas station and Amir goes to highschool. the boyfriend and him (taheri) He gets it published, and then he and Soraya start trying to have a baby. Jamila General Taheri's wife and Soraya's mother. Khaled Hosseini in‚ The Kite Runner‚ uses the complex emotional bond between fathers and sons to demonstrate the necessity of an empathetic fatherly figure. Fill in blank w/ words that AMir and Hassan carve into tree after their names. Each child should be allowed to pursue his/her own "colors" (i.e. Afghans arrive in droves to see Baba in the hospital. There was a kite flying competition which allowed Amir to take action on gaining more love if he won the kite flying . The novel begins with Amir, the main character who looks back on his childhood in Afghanistan. Baba introduces Amir as his son who is "going to be a great writer." In addition to meeting General Sahib, Amir meets his daughter, Soraya. General Taheri - Soraya's father and a friend of Baba. Explain this paradox. Is Amir jealous of Hassan? One day, General Taheri said, "People will ask. They will want to know why there is a Hazara boy living with our daughter. . Chapter 15 9. In this section of the book, we are introduced to two new characters who are General Taheri, his wife Jamila and his daughter Soraya. He believed in honor and pride and chasitity of wife and daughter. How is General Taheri different from Baba? 2. One of the major differences between Amir and Baba is that Baba is seen as courageous, while Amir is more cowardly. Even though he is high in the social class, he really does not look down on people. Amir and sorayas relationship? He wants Baba to ask General Taheri if he (Amir) can have Soraya's (General Taheri's daughter) hand in marriage. Baba is proud, independent, emotionally distant, and impatient. When she was eighteen, she ran away with an Afghan man. . 1. who did he claim these bullets were for? how is general taheri different from baba he has lived off welfare when soraya ran away with a man and her father arrived to reclaim her with a gun, he said that there were two bullets in the chamber. Their bond increases even more when Amir gets married. General Taheri was a pashton. Baba and General Taheri are different in these two ways. Baba goes from being a wealthy man to working in a gas station; General Taheri. Want To Start Your Own Blog But Don't Know How To? The Taheris arrive and Soraya comforts Amir. Baba counsels Amir, reminding him that the General has nang and namoos — honor and pride, respectively. The general was a round character in chapter 12 and 13; General Taheri was one of Baba's friends; He did like it when Amir and Soraya talk because he was an Afghan (goes back to Soraya's story) How is life in America different than life in Afghanistan? He also knows that Baba secretly disapproves of his desire to become a writer and shares General Taheri's opinion that it's a waste of time. General Taheri is seen as a much more "proper" Afghan than Baba was, but his pride and unwillingness to work contrast negatively with Baba's self-sacrificing labors. Baba goes happily the next day. Amir is different from every Afghan guy she has met. READER-RESPONSE/PERSONAL CONNECTION . What is the happiest event and the saddest development in Amir and Soraya's early years of marriage? And other minor characters are General Taheri, Sanaubar, Farid, Jamila etc. The biggest difference in men and women in Afghanistan is their ability to make their own decisions. He has lived off welfare What does Soraya think is so unfair that it upsets her? Baba refuses welfare and tries to work at jobs beneath him until he dies. One day, Amir is too bold, and after inquiring about the General and sending his regards, he asks Soraya a question. How is the theme that Baba's pride and dignity has impacted him negatively being developed in Chapter Eleven? Both Baba and General Taheri are very focused on maintaining an honorable social status. What do I tell them?" Amir, angered, told the general that Sohrab was the son of his illegitimate half-brother and told him never to call him a "Hazara boy" in front of him again. Baba goes from being a wealthy man to working in a gas station; General Taheri. The relationship between a father and a son helps prepare a boy to understand right from wrong. How is General Taheri different from Baba? He gets it published, and then he and Soraya start trying to have a baby. However, he doesn't like how untrusting Americans were toward immigrants. _____ Soyora's father, General Taheri, comments that "people need stories to divert them at difficult . For example, even though Baba didn't want Amir to become a fiction writer, it was still seen as an acceptable occupation when he arrived in America; however, when Soraya decided that she wanted to become a teacher or when Khala Jamila had wanted to be a singer; General Taheri was against the whole idea and therefore, Jamila never became a singer. . This is what led Amir to become jealous and feel guilty for the rest of his life. Read more about Hosseini's experience of Afghan culture in the United States. General Taheri is a stereotypical Afghan male, both as a father and husband, by placing extreme value on upholding traditional Afghan customs. This answer is: Baba sounds like a good-looking guy, but . One day, General Taheri said, "People will ask. That's not the case. Both Baba and General Taheri are very focused on . Therefore, he kept his family on welfare. Chapter 14 8. Women have no choice or voice in who they will have to spend their life with as arranged . Why do Baba and Amir leave Afghanistan? 11) General Taheri was a Afghanistan general that moved to America. One of Baba's acquaintances at the flea market is General Sahib, Mr. Iqbal Taheri. What does Soraya think is so Unfair that it upsets her? How others view them in the public is a high priority for both of them. The story is set against a backdrop of tumultuous events, from the fall of . While she was gone, Jamila had a stroke. Soraya is happy, but she says she must tell Amir about her past because she doesn't want any secrets. Active Themes. She is the typical Afghan . Yet, Baba still . They talk about adoption, but General Taheri says he doesn't like the idea. How is General Taheri described? He doesn't care about the social class of people. Active Themes Jamila was once a great singer, but the General has not allowed her to sing in public since they were married. Baba sells his car. Along with the marriage, Amir manages to bring General Taheri and Baba closer than ever, both being powerful men in their home country to immigrant Americans. In many ways, he is considered to be a normal Afghan male because of the traditions that he values, such as being a father and a husband. Amir finally gets the chance to speak to Soraya but General Taheri turns down the …show more content… Tribe and Religion Personality of Baba and General Taheri Since Baba and the General are from the same social class, both are -Pashtun -Sunni -Wealthy -Well respected The two men have several differences, but they also have many similarities General Taheri Baba • Not religious • Get started for FREEContinue Prezi The Science 13) Baba is talking about Soraya . What do I tell them?" Amir, angered, told the general that Sohrab was the son of his illegitimate half-brother and told him never to call him a "Hazara boy" in front of him again. Jamila-Jamila is General Taheri's wife and Soraya's mother. The cancer has spread to his brain. 9) General Taheri's daughter is Soraya 10) Both go to garage sales on Saturday and then sell the following items on the flea market Sunday. Summary. As father and son, Baba and Amir have some similarities, but they are both very different people. 12) Amir tells Baba he wants to major in English. Why does Amir go to Pakistan? And this is the one major difference between Hassan and Sohrab. what then does sohrab do? Amir always seems to let hassan stand up for him, instead of standing up for himself. General Taheri accepts, and after Baba tells Amir over the phone he puts Soraya on the line. Baba's happiness is described with a simile about his smile being "as wide as the skies of Kabul on nights when the poplars shivered and the sound of crickets swelled in the gardens" The fact that the simile compares his smile to Kabul shows true happiness because we all know that he was at his happiness when in Kabul. the novel, Baba and General Taheri, share similar characteristics in their relationships and personality traits. General Taheri is proud of his high-ranking position back in Afghanistan. I admire this about Baba because he was willing to allow himself to be shot before the indecency happened. Reveal Correct Response Spacebar. The next morning Afghans fill the waiting room, wanting to visit Baba. While Baba (like General Taheri, a man of his generation) dreams of returning to Afghanistan in better times, Amir who has spent much of his teenage years in the United States, adjusts more readily to his new country. when does amir tell soraya about hassan when does amir tell soraya about hassan M e n Soraya is a very important person to Amir. The next morning Afghans fill the waiting room, wanting to visit Baba. Baba is pleased and proud, and the next day he goes. They will want to know why there is a Hazara boy living with our daughter. Source(s) He was dishonored by what his wife and daughter did and all the Afghans talked about what his daughter did. The narrative element I will be talking about is character. Both long for the past and want to return to Afghanistan. Continue ESC. He is in many ways the stereotypical Afghan male, both in his roles as a father and husband. The Afghanistan section of the flea market includes people who used to be doctors, professors, and ambassadors. Here is another example of how Amir and Baba are different, Baba actually speaks up. Baba liked America because it was a society not grounded by religion or ignorance, but a culture of freedom. As Amir dropped off Baba at the Taheri's for the meeting, he says, "Baba was hobbling up the Taheri's driveway for one last fatherly duty" (163). What are Baba has a lot of pride and refuses welfare while the General refuses to work jobs he feels are beneath him, and the General is much more traditional in the way he treats Khanum Taheri than Baba is. I admire this about Baba because he was willing to allow himself to be shot before the indecency happened. At Baba's bedside, Amir asks if he will go to General Taheri to ask Soraya's hand in marriage for Amir. While Baba works at a humble job in a service station, Amir attends school, graduating from high school at the age of twenty. Yet they had noticeable downfalls. Although many friends of Baba felt loved, his son Amir was the only exception to his love. Active Themes. Two days later Baba is discharged from the hospital, and that night Amir asks him to go to General Taheri and ask for his permission to marry Soraya. Amir's father-in-law, General Taheri, feels differently. Chapter 11 begins with: "Baba loved the idea of America. 1 Comment Baba vs. General Taheri: the difference between the two is definitely how they view things and how they see people. In the earliest pages of the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Hassan is the servant of Amir who is loved more than the protagonist. Baba sees people more as people should. When Amir tells Baba that he wants to marry Soraya, Baba calls General Taheri to set up a meeting between the two men. Source(s) Baba and General Taheri both viewed the world in different ways. General Taheri is proud to the point of arrogance at times, and he places great value on upholding Afghan traditions. Baba is pleased and proud, and the next day he goes. The father figures in the novel - Baba, Rahim Kahn, Ali and General Taheri - are all very prominent characters that are well rounded and developed. The wedding takes place in an Afghan banquet hall, and the ceremony follows Afghan customs, such as Amir and Soraya gazing at each other's reflection in a mirror while they are covered with a veil. They start buying up stuff at yard sales and going to the San Jose flea market. Sohrab does remain silent for a year, but it seems more like detachment from the world in general than anger at Amir. Baba refused radiation, so Amir took him home to die. We see a major difference in Amir's character as he has grown older, his desire to impress . He is in many ways the stereotypical Afghan male, both in his roles as a father and husband. Both of the two fathers in The Kite Runner were high-powered, important men in Afghanistan: Baba was a rich, important businessman, while General Taheri was an important military leader. Amir is smitten with Soraya but unable to approach her. The cancer has spread to his brain. Baba called and made arrangements to visit the Taheris the next morning. This comment makes Amir pause, because he knows it's not entirely accurate. They are unable to conceive, however, and after numerous tests doctors cannot explain why they can't have a child. Baba and General Taheri, share similar characteristics in their relationships and personality traits. Hassan-Rahim Khan-baba. General Taheri accepts, and after Baba tells Amir over the phone he puts Soraya on the line. They are unable to conceive, however, and after numerous tests, doctors cannot explain why they can't have a child. In the summer of 1988, Amir finishes his first novel. The general was a round character in chapter 12 and 13; General Taheri was one of Baba's friends; He did like it when Amir and Soraya talk because he was an Afghan (goes back to Soraya's story) The plot, theme, and characters from the book are both different and similar to the movie. Answered by Aslan 6 years ago 11/28/2015 12:11 PM General Taheri, Soraya's father, is a former general who prefers collecting welfare to lowering himself to a blue collar job. the 2x-standard towards women What job does Soraya want to perform that her father disapproves of? In this instance, Amir sees Baba as a true father. What . What are Baba has a lot of pride and refuses welfare while the General refuses to work jobs he feels are beneath him, and the General is much more traditional in the way he treats Khanum Taheri than Baba is. You might expect Sohrab to lash out more often at Amir, or to take some sort of revenge since Amir almost abandoned him. Which of the following does Soraya not do to defy Afghan traditional customs and rules that Afghan women are expected to adopt or believe? Amir presented Baba with one last gift of happiness, giving him something he had never had, a daughter-in-law. General Taheri refused to work in the United . Baba goes happily the next day. The Kite Runner is a 2007 American drama film directed by Marc Forster from a screenplay by David Benioff and based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Khaled Hosseini.It tells the story of Amir, a well-to-do boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul who is tormented by the guilt of abandoning his friend Hassan. Directions: Read the response question below and write one paragraph in the space provided. filled with pain and longing. Baba was the harder worker and loved by all those who knew him. Wiki User. Baba and General Taheri are different in these two ways. How is General Taheri different from Baba? Who is General Taheri? Afghans arrive in droves to see Baba in the hospital. The 2x-standard towards women. Assef. Sanaubar - Hassan's mother and Ali's wife for a time. Amir catches sight of General Taheri's daughter. Click to zoom. He buys a '71 Volkswagen bus. interests). I'll Help You Setup A Blog. He wants Baba to ask General Taheri if he (Amir) can have Soraya's (General Taheri's daughter) hand in marriage. They were the two servants that worked for Amir and his father. Although Sanaubar is infamous for having an affair with Baba and abandoning Hassan . The Kite Runner Summary. General Taheri's wife and Soraya's mother.